Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Then, this is love…

‘Definition' of love is more irrelevant than impossible
Just 'expression' will give the best shot…

It’s between you and what you see, you can feel it, yet can’t see it
It’s beyond what you see, you can’t see it, yet feel it

Then, this is love…
She wants to make you happy and
feels happier than you, in you being happy..

Then, this is love…
Waiting to see her, after a long time
The world becomes uni-directional , the one in which you expect her,
Microscope and telescope loose its necessity
You can see the circling electrons in every atom of the atmosphere...
Suddenly, a split second sunrise, there she is
Wants to run, you too, still comes walking towards you, What happens inside?

Then, this is love…
Doing any crap together, you live and enjoy the moment to the fullest
That’s the closest you can get to reality,

It’s the empty gap before you exhale
It’s when you don’t see the doctor when your heart stops beating
It’s when your presence and absence triggers a tear, she is happy

To you, you disappear, for her, you become omnipresent

It’s the race everyone runs on the clouds
Thinking, no one ever ran like this before
Not bothered about the finish, getting max out of the journey
The magic at last, every one wins!!!


Anonymous said...

I like this one! Like the sincerity that comes through in your tone, I mean it is apparent that you are in love, you've hit the jackpot... I have too...
Love is this really tricky thing, in terms of defining and understanding... It is so defiant in its refusal to confine itself... So each of us think in a certain way about love...
Keep writing, I am a fan of your verse structure! Very interesting it is....

Anonymous said...

Never really understood the meaning of love nor will I ever. It is way over my head.

It probably means - The person means more to you than you can express or you ever will

It probably means - The look in her eyes makes you feel, there can be no greater joy

It probably means - The thought of her smile makes your battery of worries fade away

It probably means - You can cause more pain to her than anybody else can

It probably means - You take the person for granted more than anybody else

It probably means - Wanting to be your loved one when the whole world seem to have deserted

It probably means - Watch her sleep all night and swear never to hurt her again

It probably means - Pick a fight with her the next morning just to make up to her and suggest dinner

It probably means - Plan a big surprise just to see that lost look on her face

It probably means - Take her for a movie and look at another girl just to see her jealous

It probably means - You act surprised to see your birthday gift just to see her jump with you

It probably means - You are totally lost with everyone around you or you are probably in love

Accenture said...

the flow is cool dude. pretty true.. I guess..

FreeBirdie said...

i dont hav words to express how deeply u hav defined love....
Love is something u can feel, can show, can express but can never put it down in words.... "me says"

Anonymous said...

Here I am, the heroine of the write-up and the author. Yet another wonderful
expression of your unbounded love..Thank you Dear!
It feels so great, when I think of each and every moment that made you write these beautiful lines. Your imagination has made the reality much more beautiful and a feeling to be remembered for ever. Hats off to you!

Anonymous said...

wonderful..as always ....and now that i have experienced this feeling...i too can say that yes...it feels this way. God gave u a wonderful gift in temrs of your wife..and u treasure her well...may both of you live in eternal bliss

Balaji J kumar said...

sama weighta iruku....i was really awestruck... seems things will flow automatically when circumstances demands...no exceptions!!!! isnt it..

Unknown said...

What a wonderful piece this is ! I feel the truth behind all you said moreover now as I have started this wonderful journey ...hats off to you !